What is a Creative Brief?
A creative brief is a starting point to any project, it’s a document made to articulate a vision and help keep a designer on task while maintaining expectations moving forward. Creative briefs provide information on purpose, objectives, expectations, and keeping to a concise plan as you move further into the project.

A good example of what could go into a creative brief are

  • projects overall purpose/Requirements
  • Messaging and presentation
  • Demographics
  • Answers to questions that reveal more about the client, or the client’s business
  • Brand awareness
  • Target Audience
  • Core objectives
  • deliverables

How are Creative briefs used in web design?
A creative brief helps define a plan of action. When discussing with a client on their needs and expectations, a well written creative brief will save you time down the road. It helps to communicate and maintain accountability not just on yourself, but on the client’s expectations.

Most creative briefs will be provided by a business and handed to a client to fill out. The more detailed a creative brief is, the better that information will come across. A web designer will ultimately follow that information moving forward to help develop the brand and vision of the client. It also helps with requests and approvals. I can’t tell you how many times I wish I had a Brief to work with when speaking about changes with a client. Briefs help with communication because you’re keeping to a set of rules.

Can I use a creative brief for my own work?

Absolutely!!! Creative briefs are not just for large businesses, it’s a guide for everyday use. Think of it as your own personal map that keeps you on track while roaming through a forest. It’s about organization and planning. It keeps you on task without going too far off the path.

What does a creative brief look like?

All creative briefs are different and have different templates. Some are simple, while others can get detailed. Check out this site for examples of basic templates that could be used to set up your own creative brief


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